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Create a Document

Documents are groups of pages connected through:

  • a sidebar
  • previous/next navigation
  • versioning

Create your first Doc#

Create a markdown file at docs/

# Hello
This is my **first Docusaurus document**!

A new document is now available at http://localhost:3000/docs/hello.

Configure the Sidebar#

Docusaurus automatically creates a sidebar from the docs folder.

Add metadatas to customize the sidebar label and position:

---sidebar_label: 'Hi!'sidebar_position: 3---
# Hello
This is my **first Docusaurus document**!

It is also possible to create your sidebar explicitly in sidebars.js:

module.exports = {  tutorialSidebar: [    {      type: 'category',      label: 'Tutorial',-     items: [...],+     items: ['hello'],    },  ],};